This game is fun and addictive espically for casual gamers and contains few minor flaws.
User Rating: 8.7 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie X360
King Kong is very underappreciated. The gamespot review stated that it was too short however i thought it was just the rigth length. This game does a great job of making it feel like a real cineamatic presentation (you feel like your in the movie on some epic quest!) You Play as jack and kong who are both really fun. as kong you go about destroying everything in your path and as jack your job is to survive on the island, solving simple puzzles and being resourceful. The graphics look stunning on the 360! fire looks particulary amazing and you'll see alot of it in the game. Also the sound is some of the best i've ever heard in a game, the music is tense and atmospheric, and the sounds from the different monsters sound great (if your have surrond sound it sounds simply amazing). The main campaign is quite long and will take you a good amount of time if you don't rush through it. There however is no multiplayer.
In general Kong is a very fun action adventure game that should be at least rented if not owned.