This game is so overrated u have no idea!!!! The graphic il like: meh...the gameplay: worst!!! innovation lacks heavily

User Rating: 5.7 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie X360
This game is so overrated u have no idea!!!! The graphic is like: meh...the gameplay: worst!!! innovation lacks heavily, as for the longevity (inexistent). Rent it ONLY if you are a big fan of the movie, cus the game got a lot of issues. Starting from the graphic (sometimes its so dark u dont know where you are, literrally), to the gameplay (highly boring), there are no strong points for this title.
The only decent moments were the ones where you can use Kong: but thats not barely enough to make this a good game. Not even playable for a launch title: it should not be in your collection, your other games will be embarassed in having such a scrappy relative.