Short but Very Sweet

User Rating: 8.9 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie XBOX
Peter Jacksons King Kong is kind of a first person shooter and kind of a fighting game. It is a really good movie game and I honestly thought it was going to **** but it didnt. The story is just like the movie because you play with Jack for three hours before playing with king kong.The graphics in this game are astounding and the way you play especially if you have sorround sound will keep you on the edge of your gaming chair until the end. The FPS part of the game is done well with no HUD so it can be more cinematic. But where the game really shines is when you play with the King Kong. When you play with him you can beat things up and you can pull really cool special moves of to kill dinosaurs and stuff like that, plus beating up airplanes with a monkey is just awesome.