This game is an ultimate survival game. It shows alot of teamwork in it too. The best movie to game next to the Warriors
As the game has said you can play as man and you can play as Kong!!! As Man you play as Jack where you go on an expedition in a forgotten island. Skull Island!!! Your crew is lead by Denim who is filming their expedition. Hayes a very brave and heroic body guard so you may say Ann a girl off the street looking to be an actor and make a living and later in the game Jimmy a young lad will be in your team. There will be many times you and your crew get seperated and many times each of you get in danger. Your weapons consist from projectiles to guns. Eanglehorn a pilot who drops supplies regularly drops supplies such as guns. The projectiles are spears and bones. Spears are usually limited when you find them in piles of 4 or 5. Bones are usually unlimited since you find them in rotting carckases. You can light these both on fire and burn paths through tall grass and such. Your guns consist of a Pistol, a Shotgun, a Rifle, and a classic Tommy Gun.
As Kong you can run against walls swing across the jungle lift living or non living things and use them as weapons and the best of all protect Ann. You and Ann can also work as a team when Kong. Just be sure to protect her. Kong's fighting moves rang from snapping a V-Rex's Jaw to breaking its spine with a back breaker followed by a manhandling slam.
The story is also great because it follows through with the movie which will keep you interested till the end. The graphics are great to in fact I'm sure you'll get disgusted when seeing a rapter chow down on a rotting carckase I was disgusted.
I strongly suggest you to buy this game or at least rent it.