This is truly, the eight wonder of the world!!! King Kong!!

User Rating: 9.4 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie PS2
I did not expect the official game of Peter Jackson's King Kong movie would be this good! The game brings great environments. Not just the human that we will be using but we are able to use King Kong himself. The game also have funny scenes. The voice casting is just amazing. Jack Balck is just amazing and still funny as ussual!

The good thingabout this game is that if we die in mission, we do not have to start from the beginning of the mission and do it all over again. We start in the check points which are very constant. Another good thing is that the game is very tense and thrilling, so this makes the game so fun to play.

The baddy for this game is that you cannot know how much more ammo is left in your gun. So expect to use other equipments other than your guns like bones and etc.

Overall, if you are a fan of first person shooter games, and a fan of classic movies, well this is totally the game for you!