I wasn't expecting much, but was COMPLETELY surprised!

User Rating: 8.8 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie PC
I haven’t had a whole lot of time to play this title, but what I have seen of the full game and the demo I am amazed. I think my favorite thing is the way you interact with weapons and the aiming of the weapons. The sound is also incredible. I am running it on a surround sound setup and just love it. I have been craving an immersive game like this for quite awhile now.
The only thing I think I had a harder time with is getting used to the lag in the movement in 1st person. What I am talking about is how your character runs out of breath. NOT used to that at all in a run and gun. I am a smoker and I feel like the character I am controlling is as well (laugh).
All and all this is a great game! Definitely one of the games that came from a movie that is equally good as the motion picture.