Realistic, Intense, and Fun

User Rating: 9.4 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie GC
OK first of all this game is one of the most realistic games Ive ever played except for all the giant bugs and dinosaurs running around. There's no interface which kinda freaked me out at first, but it really adds to the game experience.And you have limited ammo and you can only find spears at certain points so you have to have good aim, and you cant get scared and blow a whole magazine on a giant millipede.I find that sometimes that throwing a spear through a big scorpions head is more rewarding than just blowing the hell out of it. All the creatures on skull island are attracted to other dead ones which really comes in handy. The games scary as hell to because you never know when some big bugs gonna jump out of a hole in the wall or when a big bats gonna swoop down and grab your friends. Now thats all just the first person shooter part with Jack Driscoll. The Kong part is absolutely breathtaking. When Kong you just feel so massive and powerful, from beating the stuffing out of V-Rex's to knocking the natives buildings down in one swing. And despite your sheer size you can run on walls and swing from enormous branches surprisingly gracefully. The game comprises of about 70% Jack and 30% Kong. The only downside is its kinda short but it has a bunch of extras that make up for it. To earn the extras you have to replay levels(there are about 40 in all) and get scored on how you did.