This game had so much put into it. And it work, itts been a while since I played a shooter that I acctually like, and King kong change that. King Kong as a shooter is unique, you feel like you are acctually there in the game, cuz their is no aiming circle or anuthing to help you in th egameplay. And for me thats awsome. The really good thing abou the game is the missions with jack driscoll, wich thank god is almost all the game, once in the while you get a stress relief by playing with King Kong. The mission with King Kong are good, but It feels like it needed something. From the beggining to the part were you save and in king kong cave, the game is amazing, but after the game feels that the creators are just trying to end it quickly. So after you rescue Ann, the way down to the shore is no mor than 20 minutes. The New York mission is to short, and a bit pointless. Overall a very good game, one of the best game base on a movie.
Other Helpful Reviews for Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
I’ll be honest with you I didn’t really have much hope for this game, so I only rented it out. Right from the start, the graphics where “Oh my god!”,I thought I was still in the cut scene. The initial few minutes wher... Read Full Review
Sure the title is long, but the movie made by Peter Jackson was great. Yet, Peter Jackson is a big fan of the people who made Beyong Good & Evil he wanted them to make a great game based on his movie. Let's see whats... Read Full Review