User Rating: 6.5 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie XBOX
I have played this game many times on demo 360s, and i might give it a 10 out of 10 on a 360, its just amazing, But this game should never have come out on current gen systems.

Despite it being called "The Official Game Of The Movie" you will NOT be reenacting anything you saw in the movie, nor will anything match up to the movie.

For most of the game you run around as Driscoll hoping to find a crate with ammo in it, since somehow the captain of the ship had the means, and enough fuel, to just run around flying over head of you the entire game dropping off stuff for you....
As you wait to hopefully find one of these crates, which either come to quickly together or way to far apart, you get to find skeletons of thing and pick up rib bones and toss like hell one at a time with faulty controls. Yes, like the instruction booklet says you can "hold" a spear and a gun at the same time, and you can whole a third item when it comes to the levers. But i promise you it wont mention you CANT fire you guns while holding a spear, and you cant use your spear while holding a lever. So, what does it mean? To stay alive you gotta chuck the lever, and if things get close and you need a gun, just chuck the spear and hope it hits something while you get your gun out. And dont worry, after you run around trying to live you can eventually backtrack those hundreds of feet to pick your stuff back up, or just keep chucking it ahead of you on the path......
And get use to it, cause despite it being called King Kong, you will spend most of your game as Jack.
I will admit this though, the visuals for the Jack scenery are simply stunning, but some of those baddies just don't look too good. Maybe the creatures would look good if they were on a medicore background, but since they are on nearly real backgrounds, and they look fake, it makes all the worse.

Kong.....He looks like the creature from Nightmare at 20,00 feet, and that's a 40 year old make-up job. As with the other creatures, he is so bad looking on the amazing backgrounds, it ruins the game. The controls for Kong leave much to be desired in non fights, i mean come , if he isn't fighting you do EVERYTHING with ONE DAM BUTTON, unless you want to "run" than you get to hold A, but other than that, if your not in a fight, have fun wearing down that X button for everything. Despite the non fighting controls being as they are, the fighting is very fun and great. Having the option, and starting with, no HUD makes the game feel less like a game.

Over all this will be one of the quickest games you will ever run though, if you can bear the graphics to make it to the end. How it has such high ratings, I will never know. Hold out until you own a 360, like I was planning, and should have done.