King Kong is one of the most immersive FPS's I have ever played. All elements come together to put you onto Skull Island. The sound is amazing, your crew will warn you about the direction of approaching monsters. The graphics are awesome, maybe not the best on the 360, but still great looking. The presentation adds to the realism by not giving you a HUD. The game also occasionally switches to 3rd person allowing you to take over as Kong. It's a nice break from the Jack Driscoll led 1st person view. Kong's actions can feel like a repetitive button masher but you won't care because you'll be in awe at the sense of size and speed you feel during his stages of running and jumping thru the jungle.
One major downside is that it has glitches in some scripted events. I ran into a couple issues where charachters disappeared or needed fire pits were not present. I restarted the level and it was fixed.
You may want to rent this game because it is very short, or maybe wait for it drop to bargain price. Just be sure to play it at some point, especially if you want a break from sci-fi first person titles.
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