Easiest 1000 points you will ever achieve!

User Rating: 7.5 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie X360
As an initial next gen release not bad, but definitely not great. Picked it up as a gap filler to play some action adventure, as a vacation from the 360 shoot athon gameplay. I also needed some quick points for Xbox rewards.

While there is nothing really new here, there is an element of mindless fun. Nothing unexpected happens (other than you can get all 1000 points just by completing the game), the linear story push kept me entertained, it killed the 8 or so hours it took to complete very easily. Some of the structures of puzzles, such as fire/spear/burn-bushes and spear/skewer-bait/distract-predator is very repetitive, it just points to a quick development cycle they had to get the game out.

Playing as Kong had great promise, but honestly ended up being a little like Prince of Persia light, monkey man bounce off walls and then mash a button repeatedly and you kill everything

The graphics are a bit uneven, targeting a bit vague. All that being said, as a break from the FEAR/LOST-PLANET/GOW/CRACKDOWN give me something to shoot sameness of some of the recent releases, I enjoyed the break.

So, if you need a quick timeout, and 1000 points, pick it up in the used bin or even rent it.