Possibly the best of the "movie based" titles. It offered a lot more then what the original movie did.
I say this game deserves a remake by the creators of Turok or Fallout 3 if ever possible. It HAS good ideas and elements but could be vastly improved on. I mean if the game had combat and QTE's and knife kills like Turok or the Inventory/crippling system/ medication/Bloody mess of fallout, it would be so much better. The only real problems I had with it:
- Enemies were too easy most of the time
- Repeatitive monsters/not enough variety
- Very limited amount of Weapons
- Ugly graphics (even on 360)
- Weapons are Too scarce and you could only keep one gun. (that seems logical but if the enemies were harder to kill then it wouldn't need to staple 1 gun to you.)
- 5 bullets a gun? and most enemies dont even die within the 5.
- Glitchy
- Can't even see you're own character even in First person.
- Very linear for an Island
Pros: - Use of nature (feeding animals with smaller ones to get them away from you) is logical and interesting
- Occasional AI confliction (I love seeing Ai fight each other but it could have happened more often)
- Great Sound score.
- More then 1 V-Rex encounter
- Very good Voice acting from support characters.
-Interesting story telling.