Possibly the best of the "movie based" titles. It offered a lot more then what the original movie did.

User Rating: 8 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie X360
This game did grow on me, one of my favourites. The acting is great in all areas (except for Jack who seemed too monotoned most of the time) It offered a lot of things that would pop out at the player.

I say this game deserves a remake by the creators of Turok or Fallout 3 if ever possible. It HAS good ideas and elements but could be vastly improved on. I mean if the game had combat and QTE's and knife kills like Turok or the Inventory/crippling system/ medication/Bloody mess of fallout, it would be so much better. The only real problems I had with it:

- Enemies were too easy most of the time
- Repeatitive monsters/not enough variety
- Very limited amount of Weapons
- Ugly graphics (even on 360)
- Weapons are Too scarce and you could only keep one gun. (that seems logical but if the enemies were harder to kill then it wouldn't need to staple 1 gun to you.)
- 5 bullets a gun? and most enemies dont even die within the 5.
- Glitchy
- Can't even see you're own character even in First person.
- Very linear for an Island

Pros: - Use of nature (feeding animals with smaller ones to get them away from you) is logical and interesting
- Occasional AI confliction (I love seeing Ai fight each other but it could have happened more often)
- Great Sound score.
- More then 1 V-Rex encounter
- Very good Voice acting from support characters.
-Interesting story telling.