Definitely one of the better movie-games, its not very long but is pretty fun while it lasts.

User Rating: 7 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie X360
Video games based on movies have a very bad reputation for being bad. King Kong, while not amazing, is definitely one of the better ones, and its not very long, but pretty fun while it lasts.

Most of the game put's you as Jack Driscull, the protagonist of the King Kong movie. You play in first person view, though it is not a necesserily a shooter. You do use guns, though ammo is scarce, forcing you to have to rely on the spears found in the game. At most times you will have one or two allies with you, which by the way, have very good ai. You can actually count on them to do things, though this doesnt mean you can let them all do it... you do most of the work. Like I said, ammo is scarce. You rarely find it, and the guns available for you to use are a pistol, shotgun, sniper, and machine gun. The game does not tell you your ammo on screen, so you press a button and the character will say how much it has outloud. This makes it more realistic, but also more tedious. If, and when, you run out of ammo, you will be forced to use the many spears found on the ground, which, if used right, can be even more effective. The other half of the game has you playing as King Kong. This is the more fun half, because who doesnt enjoy smashing things? Kong controls pretty well, and some of the "boss fights" with the dinosaurs are fun. The graphics on this game are better then on last gen ones, but with one disadvantage: this version is very dark. In fact, it only looks light on a hdtv.

Its a short game, clocking in at about only 6 hours, and is well worth playing if you enjoyed the movie (or want 1000 points).