Want to know how King Kong for the PSP is, read this review to really know..

User Rating: 8.2 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie PSP
King Kong on the Xbox 360 looks good and utilizes the system in a satisfying way, in the same way Kong for the PSP also has used the power of the system to the fullest and it can be seein in the awsome visual effects.
Although there isnt much the game offers apart from a good singleplayer FPS experience, for people looking for just a plain good action game for PSP, this is the game for you.Very nice and some inovative weapons, awsome visual and even more awsome sound effects, the controls also seem to work better than the previous FPS game on the PSP ( Coded Arms ). The story of the game is pretty much the same as the movie, you have all the good characters, all the weird, 10 times in size creatures and ofcourse King Kong himself.

The graphics technically are very good, frame rate is solid and dosent break at all,even the monsters look preety good from afar, but the only thing i didnt like about the visuals is the lakc of depth, everything all has a greyish layer to it, making the game look quite bland and boring, but i guess in the long run it all adds to the mystery of whats going on around you. There are also a lot less jaggies than in other games i have seen.

The audio effects rock and i mean are really awsome, the sounds that the creatures make will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Everything sounds good and is as good as the console version.Weapon sounds are very realistic, and even the voice overs are done very well.The problems here at all.

The game mechanics are like any other FPS, run, shoot, reload, run shoot..
The game controls once gotten used to are quite smooth and easy to master.Not many glitches here as well.

OVerall the game is very good. Keeping aside the fact that this is a game based on King Kong, it is just a plain solid FPS. Loading in the game also isnt a problem at all and is very fast. Although Hardcore gamers will be able to breeze through the game within a few hours, the experiece while doing so is still quite good and might make you want to replay the game at least once. Definately not a MUST BUY or a breakthrough on the PSP, but the game nevertheless is very good and should be given a chance by everyone.