Wasn't beauty killed the beast, it was 6 hours of gameplay.

User Rating: 7.5 | Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie PS2
Let me just start off by saying that this game doesn't stay true to the film, so don't expect many familiar things to happen. And even with all the adding on the game only runs for six hours. I saw the film before playing the game and was surprised at how different it was. With that said I would say that this game is good. Not great, or bad. Just good. In the game you play as Jack Driscoll and the King himself. The majority of the game will be spent playing as Jack in a first person survival mode. As Jack you will use various guns found around in supply crates, spears, and bones from dead animals. You must conserve your ammo, Resident Evil style, and perfect your spear throwing to kill and distract the dinosaurs that will come after you. For most of the game your screen will be clear and you must hold the L2 button to hold up your gun or spear. When you are not killing or running away, you spend your time solving easy puzzles that consist of finding fire to burn bushes and clear a path, or finding 1-2 handles for cranking open the doors. Basically, it is your job to survive and help any teammates survive.
As King Kong the gameplay is very different. It is in third person, and half the time is spent beating up all different kinds of dinosaurs and islanders.
The combat is very fun because you can feel the power as you crush a huge T-Rex or split a plane in half. The only problem is that the only button you really use is X so it is kind of a button masher. The other half of the game as Kong is climbing and jumping around the island, either to get to your lair or to save Ann from pesky Pterosaurs. This is fun, but it is also very easy because all you have to do is press the square button on time. Also, the New York part of the game is over too quickly and flies by too fast.
Overall, playing as King Kong is your best experience from the game. The technical side of King Kong is where the game really shines. The graphics are great and you really feel like you are in a tropical island, with lush green trees and sparkling rivers. At some moments it got very close to photo realistic. The sound of this game is absolutely superb, especially the voice acting. The sound also really helps on building the atmosphere of the game, you feel so safe when you just killed a huge dinosaur and you hear it's mighty roar. On the other hand, it can also terrify you when you think you have made it, but you hear a call that brings trouble to you. The only huge complaint I had with the game is the replay value, because there isn't any. Once you complete the game, which will averagely take six hours, the only extra is to replay certain levels and get the high score. Plus, there is no difficulty setting, and once you beat the game you don't really want to play it again. All in all, King Kong is a very tense and exciting game that will keep you interested while it lasts. Do yourself a favor and rent it.