Disappointing, but not horrible.
I also could not find a way to vs the computer in it either, only to have more then 1 person play. This is very interesting I thought because it says 1 player right on the cartridge.
The graphics were not bad when they did finally load onto the screen, however they still could have been better, even for the time.
This game was very easy to control. Like most other golfing games I have played you push the button twice for power and accuracy with the bar sliding up and down.
I hated the gameplay, my biggest complaint that I have mentioned already are the loading times, most of the game is just watching everything load onto the screen. It was also very easy, the bar moves slow enough that you can hit perfect, or near perfect shots everytime. And without the option to vs the computers you have no competition besides yourself or someone else willing to play golf.
There is not much for sound in this game, just little jingles, and the sound of you hitting your ball mostly. The lack of sound is not a bad thing since it is a golf game (which is why it didn't get lower) but it does however help put you to sleep.
I gave this a simple 5 because you can play with more then 1 person. There is nothing special about it and it is just as boring as when you are playing alone.
FINAL : 5.2