The best in the series. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I am writing this review for people who have played the Phantasy Star Series before. If you are new to the series and have no idea I am writing about, don't let any me scare you off because this game has great tutorials and no previous knowledge of any Phantasy Star game is necessary.
"Phantasy Star Portable 2" is basically an expansion of "Phantasy Star Portable 1", but with some tweaks that make it a hybrid of previous games, namely "Phantasy Star Online" and "Phantasy Star Zero".
The most important difference from its predecessor is the FIRST TIME inclusion of TRUE ONLINE MULTIPLAYER for the portable series. Best of all, its also free to play online (unlike phantasy star universe).
Many fans may complain as the difficulty is increased, but I personally feel that this is a good thing. Much of this game is based on actions, not stats. This means that dying frequently just means you have to alter your tactics a bit. This game is "hard" much in the way a megaman game or ninja gaiden game is hard, with time you realize the mechanics, you get better at it. I personally think that many of the people that are complaining of increased difficulty are just whiny and want to beat everything on their first try.
The only thing I don't like that they changed is that photon arts are not leveled by how much you use them. Now you have to find disks that are a higher level. I personally took much satisfaction in grinding out leveling photon arts, but I am learning to appreciate searching for new ones with loot drops.
As with all the online Phantasy Star games, the story where the game is most lacking. But here are the reasons that its ok with me: 1) it is a vast improvement in the Portable series because they switched to comic style narration (as opposed to the in-game rendered characters of Phantasy Star Universe where Ethan Waber wiped his nose every 30 seconds). 2)Alot of japanese translated stuff lacks in the story telling department 3) the "Monster Hunter" series (which is the game i would say is the most similar) pretty much has no story at all. So the inclusion of any story is nice.
New additions to gameplay that are nice. Shields that block on command, with timed blocking counters. A dodging dive jump (like monster hunter). A new "type selection" system that allows you to select bonuses and use new weapons when you level your type. A more appropriate shield-module and armor selection system. Humans and Newmans get an ability at lvl 10 similar to CAST suv weapons. All new main lobby where you actually walk around (unlike PHantasy Star Portable 1). There is a lady that gives you blessings before you leave (like the cooking cats in monster hunter). There's alot more, but thats all I can think of all the moment.
Truly this game is great though. New content. Online multiplayer. A few welcome new game mechanics. And an extension to the story. This will be the only PSP game I need for a very long time. While this style of game isn't for everyone, "Phantasy Star Portable 2" is a treat for those that do. Seriously, anyone that doesn't like this game mostly likely didn't like the series to begin with.
PS -Gamespot please give this this game some love because it really needs it here in the US. I don't think you even reviewed the first and probably won't review the second either. But in the rare chance I make a difference, you should help out SEGA and review this game by someone who appreciates the series. Just a dream, but I want SEGA to do really well and make Phantasy Star 5 or just bring the re-makes of Phantasy Star 1 and 2 to the US.