PSU is a unique game with online play, character creation, tons of weapons, and a unique story with unique characters.

User Rating: 7.5 | Phantasy Star Universe PS2
Gameplay: 7
Graphics: 8
Sound: 8
Value: 7
Tilt: 7

The Gurhal system has a sun orbited by 3 planets. Humans,Newmans,Casts,and Beasts are the races that inhabit it. These races fought in a war against each other for over 500 years but then finally the age of peace lasted for 100 years. But then a life form known as the SEED attacked Gurhal. This is where Ethan Waber(I thought he was a very interesting character.) comes in. When the Seed attacked Gurhal Ethan Waber must save his sister. People known as Guardians are the fighters of Gurhal and Ethan is not fond of them until a guardian helps him rescue his sister and then Ethan joins the Guardians and fights to protect Gurhal. The combat is not turn based. You will fight lots of oncoming enemies at once and along the way you will meet a pretty interesting cast of characters which fight alongside you.(You can have a team of up to 3 other people.) Your adventures will take place all over the Gurhal system so you will fight on all 3 of it,s planets. A number of weapons are at your disposal such as sabre,s,guns,spears, and more. The game offers over 200 different weapons. Depending on your class(Hunter,Ranger,Force) you will be able to use different weapon types. Weapon discs can be bought and equip to your weapons and this gives your weapon a new techinique. You can also buy clothes,armor,room decorations, and more. Additonal side quests are added to the game as you progress and you can invite your party members to help you in these quests. You can also make your own character and choose his or her race as well as his or her class. If your willing to spend a little extra money periodically then you can take your character online and play it with your friends. You can have a party of up to 6 people.(Just like in the story mode in this mode you can change your hair,buy weapons,clothes armor,room decorations and so on.) If you like non turn based rpgs you might consider trying this one out. It can take about 20 to 30 hours to complete and with all of the side quests, online play, and character creation options you may like to play it longer. One of the best things about the game are the awesome cut scenes that have outstanding graphics and some awesome fight scenes.

A very unique game it is. It is much different from most games and overall it was good so if you want to try something new then don,t be afraid to try this one out. Just keep in mind that the gameplay is a little dated but still enjoyable and the story is overall pretty original.(Even though it is another save the world story.) So if you like Role playing games that you can make your own characters, take online,and play with your friends then this could be interesting. Or if your looking for something new this might interest you because it is definitely different than other games even though it seems a little dated at times.