PSU is a colorful game and an improvement from PSO. A long awaited treat for any Phantasy Star fan.
Another improvement from PSO is the ability to level up your mog (or helper in PSU) more easily. Instead of feeding your helper every 15 minutes or so, you can do it all at once providing you have the items to do so.
I do find the voiceovers and acting a little cheesy, but one does get used to it.
Acquiring new weapons, skills, armor, etc is always fun in an RPG. Being able to link new weapons and skills to my keyboard or gamepad is another welcome. With the addition to the toggle menus, I can toggle through different equipped weapons, skills, and items for a more enjoyable gaming experience.
Though I have not played online yet, I’m hesitant to pay the monthly fees. I am still paying for PSO fees of 8.99/month as to not lose my character, but with PSU in hand, why would I want to go back?
I am hoping they make another Genesis type version RPG for Phantasy Star series perhaps on PSP or the Nintendo DS just so I can play another topdown RPG like the good old days.