I played the game online, and it was very easy to get a party together, and kill a lot of monsters. The Single-Player mode is deep, but some of the voice acting is downright embarassing for others to hear, not to mention some of the bad language hidden in the game. But, I can remember one major flaw: when my brother was killing some online monsters, the game crashed out our 360, and gave it the 3 RED LIGHTS OF DEATH!! We had to ship the hard drive in for about 3 weeks, then about 12 weeks for the console to be repaired. And no PvP combat.
Good: -Multiplayer is easy to find some online friends -Single player is deep -The customization options are great -With these many weapons, it feels like Diablo II on consoles
Bad: -TOO MANY BUGS! -What the heck is with the monthly fee?!
The game is good for Diablo lovers or those new to hack-and-slash RPGs, but for those who hate either... eh, well, I'll leave it up to you.
Phantasy Star Universe is the much awaited sequal to Sega's Phantasy Star Online, originally released on the Dreamcast five years ago. This time around though Sega have added a single player offline mode to balance out t... Read Full Review
PSO was an amazing game - when it first released on the Dreamcast, people were playing FREE online against each other. I jumped in the, but never got into the online gaming, enjoying the multiplayer splitscreen with my f... Read Full Review