I played this game for the first time in 2010 and was able to play through the whole game which says a lot for a game this old, but obviously compared to modern day RPGs this was lacking a lot of the in depth story line. Another one of the big drawbacks was the excessive amounts of tedious repetition, But for a game of its time, it is probably one of the best I have played. It would be great if you had a little bit more MP or at least a potion to refill it frequently. That is the main complaint I had on game play, You have to be extremely stingy when it comes to using magic, which takes away from some of the fun. Also some kind of item to fully refill HP would help, the highest HP refiller in the game is 40, which is a fraction of your HP towards the end of the game. Pretty good soundtrack for an 8-bit game. You may want to use a walkthrough at some parts because the dungeons are easy to get lost in and also because there are things you are bound to miss if you don't look up everything or spend hours trying to find things at random. So unless you enjoy wandering around until you happen to stumble on the right thing, I would recommend using a guide of some sort. I would not recommend this game to everyone, in fact I would only recommend it to people who have a things for old-school RPGs.
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