if you like the idea of the "Zoids: new century" battles then you should love this, although its becoming increasingly h
the game is based in the ruins of "old tokyo", the basic story of what you do in the game is as follows:
1. battle- hopefuly bring in some cash
2.buy/upgrade mech with prize money. or save
but dont let that put you off there more to it than just that.
before we start, a mech lesson
by a Scoobee (mech)
there are three choices when bying a mech, Kojima Photon, which are light wieght mechs(although i find that they are easyier to turn into a heavy wieght-heavy damage mech then a light fast one). then there is Holy Ventuno, these are pretty good also they are medium wieght scoobies but once again are easier to do up heavy then the scoobie designed to be heavy (next)vthese are probaly the best choice scoobie at the start (with a hover, more on parts later). next is the heavy wieght, the American-star Aeron, i personaly hate everything about these ugly looking cans, but, they can suport more wieght without upgrading, which means heavier, thus more powerful weaponry. but anyway this is a review not a guide so lets get on with it. whatever you choose may minorly effect game play eg. if your light wieght/fast you will spend battles constantly attacking then (possibly) running where as if your in a heavy mech you can take more in and dish more out, but if trouble does come up escaping isnt as easy.
whatever you choose this game may seem a little hard at the start, but after a few battles you should get the hang of it. the main aim of the game is to beat the ranking pilot of each convention which then give you the write to challenge the 3 area rankers, then the 1st ranker. heres how it goes:
there are 3 arenas, with a area ranker for each above the area rankers is the first ranker, below them is the minor rankers of each convention. you see there are 3 levels but for each rank (a class b class c class d class) is a night and day battle for the rank eg. a class day and a class night
any way back to the guide (can you tell its my first?)
the graphics are quite great actualy, especialt considering it was out pretty early on when the xbox came out.
the gameplay once you get used of it is also great, it hase a good feel to it(especialy when you blow an a rank or masterclass pilot to nuts and bolts
the controlls are simple similer to halo controls, they are easy to use
the game does have a story, however faint it might be
overall its a awsome game to get it takes around 50 hours to complete and once you complete the game there is unlockable content available ( a new brand of mech X3) the game can be played over and over and (in my opinion) could still be quite fun
any way thats the end of my 1st review thanks (if anyone did) for reading it