I was Surprised, this game was pretty good!

User Rating: 8.2 | Phantom Dust XBOX
Honestly I am a little shallow when it comes to games.
I borrowed this game off of a friend and at first glance I was like whoa what the heck is this? I really hadn't heard anything about it so I was a bit sceptical. So I gave it a shot that night and to my surprise I really enjoyed.
The story was interesting wasnt a super powerful Final Fantasy kind of story but it had a good concept, and the battles were very fun, in fact I would say the batlles are the strongest point by far. I believe on the back of the case it says that its a card game. I never have been fond of those but the battles I guess are kinda of card related. Basically you set your self up with spells and abilities and then go and do missions, and in missions your spells and abilities randomly appear on your starting area on the map and you pick them up in icrements of 3, and your success ( not so much in the first half) heavily depends on your prebattle set up strategy.
Also the destructible battlefields were very fun with good strategy and good timing you can use the enviroment to your advantage, crushing your enemies in heavy debree, or using it to hide and shoot or rain flamign stuff on to your opponents.
Also the game looks pretty good too. And apparently this game came out selling for only 20 dollars (from what I heard) whoa thats pretty good. Then again it was short and the game isnt heavy in variety, but I did have a lot of fun from begginging to end, defiently worth playing, and defintely worth renting.
Unfortunately I didnt get to play online to much but It was fun to match up with someone and beat the crap out of them with a well built deck (or arsenal as its called in the game), especially gratifing when you crush them under falling debree, lol doesnt get better than to hear someone let out a flurry of profanity in your hedset after you squish them under a falling bridge!
OH! and the game supports the custom soundtracks right off of your XBox, although the game music is alright and fits with the situation, throwing your own songs into the mix for battle is much more fun!