The best adaptation of a card gaming system to video game. The game is underrated.
The game has great music, based largely on classical music. The graphics are quite decent for the Xbox/PS2 generation of game. However, the game does suffer from slowdown on my xbox360, and I'm talking about a frame rate of 1 frame per 4 seconds. This could seriously hamper online plays with friends. The lag occurs when large structures are destroyed and the large object is rendered in movement. This glitch could potentially be used by someone to their advantage. In any case, it's not good since online competition can be intense.
The Story mode for the game is between 15-20 hours and is actually not bad. It's rather annoying however that you walk around talking to each person hoping they are the next mission you need to go on. Rather annoying. The story mode battles are fun and really help flesh out the possibilities of the arsenal tactics.
This game was sold at a reduced 20$ and now it can be had really cheap. It's worth the price and worth the time playing, especially if you have a buddy who can join you online. More games need to be like this. I plan to follow the developer of this game, Yukio Futasugi, who also was key on Panzer Dragoon Saga, another cult classic game.