A hidden and unknown treasure... only $20, but worth millions.
-Gameplay. The gameplay is like nothing ever seen before. You collect skills or special powers,or whatever you may know it by, and you make an arsenal of all the powers you get and try to make the best you can. Each power requires an amount of aura which is like mana. Each power also has its unique abilities and damage. So, you setup all your powers and make a great arsenal and they spawn as orb things on the field. You step on the orb and hotkey it to a button on your controller so whenever you press it, you use the power. There are defense skills, which shield you in different ways, and attack skills which also attack in different way. There are over 300 powers to collect, so you really have a variation from things to choose.
-Graphics and enviroment. Here's where the game gets even better. The objects in this game are beautifully rendered and just about everything is destructible. You can even use your enviroment to your advantage. For example, you can shoot a bridge and make it collapse on your enemy or you can shoot the floor and make them fall through and die or you can use your enviroments as a defense.
-Single player. The single player is a little confusing and convoluted. It is a long single player though, as it can last up to 25 hours if you dont waste time.
-The multiplayer and Live. This is where the game truely shines. Here you can compete with other players who have their own custom aresenal and have their own powers and see who has the better arsenal. The bad part about the live is that you need to go through most of the single player if you want to make your own arsenal, as for you get your arsenal in chapter 3 and start building from there. So playing the single player more means you can get better powers.
This game is a must get for all xbox owners because it is unique, fun, and its only $20!!!