An average expansion to a great game.
1. Gameplay - Well the gameplay hasn't changed much. It is the same city building game as Pharaoh was, but due to some supernatural phenomena, when God came and spoke to the developers at Sierra entertainment, the developers decided to make the game tougher than it was. So voila they introduced 2 new industries. The first one paint industry requires henna which can be farmed and is not much of a problem. However lamp making is. It requires pottery, which can obviously be obtained from the potters when supplied with clay from the clay pits (this came from the original game), but it als requires oil. Now here is the problem. Oil can't be gathered or harvested or created out of some basic forms. So what do we have. Well we have to import them at skyrocketing rates from the blasted Pharaoh who is only too happy to drain away all my money. As a result your prosperity drops and you have to tax more, and as a result it drops further as people are angry at you. So along with prosperity your popularity decreases. People stop going to work and economy plummets down. Temples lose their priests and your game is ruined because the pharaoh had to ration your oil supply.
2. Graphics - Pretty much the same.
3. Music - Not much a change here either
The oil really pissed me off. Otherwise it is a game that you should buy only if you can afford to do so. There are really a lot of other games you can spend your money on.