sorry gamespot for not taking your word really i am but i must know for myself sometimes. im not wanting to totally kill this JUSTICE FOR ALL as i believe it has some substance in which i do look for in a game the humour is good in this game abit more across the line than the first in the series but both are equally funny in such away you have to lol it sometimes hurts you know the kind, the psyche-lock's part of the game is a nice new way to solve things in the game but it can also be a bad new way as it tells you too much about the story you are yet to play through some of the music really makes this game good and the characters make it shine too but that is also to be said about the first PHOENIX WRIGHT.
now something that bothers me in this game is the fact i noticed a few words in this game did not seem to be spelled proper and not that they where hard words but even so if they where they should be spelled correctly.
another thing is in court it was nothing compared to the first PHOENIX WRIGHT game as to me it seemed more like idle banter or playground mocking whatever you wish its as if that classroom court case really got to phoenix wright but his first 5 cases seemed un-harmed by this or maybe that bang on the head really made him dumb.
something that bothers me the most of all though is we want length in a game yes i agree to agree with this but to make something of length is also to make something beautiful last i mean to say that if PHOENIX WRIGHT JUSTICE FOR ALL was even close to PHOENIX WRIGHT ACE ATTORNEY and made to last abit longer it would be beautiful, but as it has language that i stopped speaking when i wasnt even in high school, cases that share the same sort of ideas as the first title, and too that it wasnt i couldnt the put the game down but i wanted to put it down alot and i did it just went on and on it was like when my mum used to say why i must keep my room tidy when i was a kid repeating some stuff you heard thousands of times for all the goodie two shoes who never had that lmao.
sadly i cant give this game what i wanted to give it ,
glad i got this cheaper than retail.
sorry gamespot for my un-trust