THE best DS game around!
Now, a court game doesn't sound too fun, does it? In fact, it sounds rather boring, compared to all of these other plots normal adventure games dish out. But will you be suprised when you get your hands on this and find out that not only is it similar to those Long Journeys or vacations to Myst you're always taking; it's better than most of these titles!
The way each episode in the game works is like this; you start out going around, looking for evidence and information, much like Law and Order. After you gain the nessacary stuff to move on, you'll go to court, listening to a witness' testimony. Now, your client is as good as dead, unless you make a move to point out contradictions in the witness' testimony. Contradictions will cause the witness' lies to fall apart in a great big explosion.
At the beginning, this is an easy task. The contradictions are so blatant that you can't help but feel offended that the witness thinks you're that stupid. However, when you go into later stages, you really have to "think outside the box" to catch them red-handed. These are the shining moments in the game; when you see someone you've grown to dislike fall into a grave they dug. The animations are wonderful; seeing someone's face turn from a grin into a frown, sweat beading down their face. And the ultimate blow you give them; now, that is worth infinate words.
Unfortunately, this offering feels very short, leaving you screaming for more. But with a sequel approaching, maybe that's not such a bad thing. Before you say no because it's a "law game", give it a try. As an adventure game fan, I feel honored to play such an amazing game.
As the adventure game genre almost reaches the point of no return, this game yells OBJECTION! and keeps the spirit alive.