Thers's nothing better than a good long lawyer adventure game for your favorite hand-held console.
The gameplay is ok, very original I'll give it that but, not too impresive, basically it's just the same thing over and over again, gather evidence, go to court repeat. Although once you go to court the game gets more interesting, what with the Cross-Examination( Finding a contradictory in a witnesses statement) and yelling into the DS mic can be very entertaining. However if a certain cross-examination was extremly dificult, the game might get boring. I also noticed that the game barley took advantage of the DS touch screen 'till the last level of the game, which was a bit disapointing.
The graphics are actually fairly decent considering that the game itself was adapted from the original GameBoy Advance console. The charecter movements seem unnatural at times, say if you were in the middle of a conversation with someone and another person just happens to drop in, they would show this by having the person you were talking with just vanish and the person who interupted would just appear in thin air. Another example of this is if a certain charecter were doing a certain action like punching Phoenix Wright himself during an investigation, the person would give off an angry face and then give off a punching sound effect to imply that he is punching you. To wrap this up, there is usually a special screenshot at the end of each level of the main charecters doing some certain action, such as posing for a picture. Overall I had many mixed reactions about the graphics. I was also disapointed that they never improved this in later games.
So to wrap up this entire review this is a game worh checking out. It has just the right music, charecters and plot fit for any gamer.