If you don't have this game, BUY IT NOW. End of story.

User Rating: 9 | Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten (Limited Edition) DS
In my opinion, this game, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is the best third party game out there for the DS. At first, though I have to admit that when I opened it up for the first time and inserted it into my DS, the concept was quite different from most of the games I've played and the design for the courtroom (that golden yellow) kinda irked me. When I finally decided to pick it up, again, though, and this time, playing through the entire thing instead of the first 10 minutes, I was quite impressed and disappointed with myself only for not realizing how intense the story was a whole lot sooner, and how excellent the game truely is. You play as Phoenix Wright, a fresh, new and out of school lawyer with absolutely no experience at all. He is a hilarious character to watch. I love seeing the sweat drip down his face in utmost fear, and thinking things like "*Gulp*... hands... shaking.... eyesight... fading..." Though not an instant classic, this game is amazing and the stories and the characters are really well written. If you like games that turn out to be extremely messed up, then this one is definately for you. I personally cannot get enough of this series, and every time a sequel comes out, I have to purchase it. The only real flaw that I see (which adds to the difficulty a little bit) is that it's very hard to tell sometimes which evidence contradicts the testimonies the witnesses give in court, and sometimes there are a few plot holes but mostly everything adds up and 99% of it makes total sense in the end. This game is VERY heavily text driven as well, so if you absolutely hate text in games, you may want to stay away. Other than that, it is perfect. I would have to disagree with Gamespot on the replay value though. I have played this game many times through and it does not get old. I love it to death.