Originally a GBA game in Japan.
Gameplay : Do you like reading ? Because that is what your going to be doing through 95 percent of the game. The game is text based ( you do not control your character at all, you only chose which place you would like to go ), in which you speak to NPC's to discover clues about the case you are working on. Eventually , you will make your way to court, and testify. This is the most exciting part of the game, and even then, it isn't very gratifying. I'm not saying I need a FPS where I'm killing guys within the first 5 minutes of the game, but reading constantly becomes very monotonous. The gameplay also makes very little use of the DS hardware, as you can use the d-pad and face buttons for everything.
Sound : The music is probably the game's most redeeming quality , in spite of it looping over constantly. I also enjoy the small amount of voice work, as we all love , " OBJECTION ! ".
Characters : The characters are very stock. They are generic, and could of been pulled out of about 5000 other games or anime. I'm a Japanese game and anime lover, but I have seen these type of characters too many times. For example, the cute but naive girl. They really didn't take any chances with character design in this game.
Replay : If you enjoy tapping A to get through lengthy dialogue scenes that seem to have no end, then sure, it has replay value.
I love Capcom, and I liked the idea behind the game, as it is something different, but the game feels very low budget. Throughout most of the game, you are doing what you are doing right now, which is reading. A text based game to me , is not only unappealing, but also signs of a low budget game that could not of taken much effort to make. There are plenty of games with low budgets that are full of heart, like Chrono Cross, but this game was meant to be on the GBA. If your new to the DS and want to see what the hype is about, your gonnna wanna play games that utilize the DS's hardware, like Phantom Hourglass or Elite Beat Agents. Okay, now you can disagree with my review.