PictoChat is a fairly simple chat program built into the DS from when you first get it. It allows you to chat with upto 16 people in a chat room and has 4 chatrooms. Whether this will pose a problem in dense areas with many people all on dual screens i don't know as i am in the UK and only a small amount of people here have them. There are a few problems with PictoChat. The most problamatic being why chat to some one in writing when you can speak to them 5 times faster in speech? Well if nintendo brings out a free online version of PictoChat then there may be a more of a reason to use it. Basically you can use PictoChat to draw pictures, or use a on screen keyboard to type in text and there is also a japanese keyboard. How ever its pretty fast at sending the messages and makes some rather annoying beeps when a message is sent or recieved. So over all personally I give it a 7 or an 8 out of 10.
Pictochat is a type of wireless Insant measenger that is biult into the nintendo DS. It is used to communicate with other people that have a DS and are about 30 to 100 feet away from you(it depends on things that can int... Read Full Review
Pictochat is a fun way to talk to friends wirelessly. If you are trying to keep a secret from someone who doesn't have a DS, you can just use pictochat to tell the person. My friends and I use it at sleepovers, when we a... Read Full Review