Picto-chat is a application device that allows you to chat with people around the world. As long as you're near someone you can chat with up to eight people saying what ever you want and you don't have to worry about erasing messages you know you don't want your parents to see because once you shut off the system it deletes those messages for you. A hotspot is a place you can go where you can chat with anyone you please also. The hotspot is a public place where mostly everyone goes like Mcdonalds and if yougo the while someone across the world is using pictochat then it's possible that you will be chating with her/him. There are rooms you can go into on your Ds so you won't have to chat with just any -o- body.
Pictochat does not cost a thing not like texting on a celluar phone does. So enjoy you're Ds while you still can before it ends up some where and you can't find it.
Pictochat is a type of wireless Insant measenger that is biult into the nintendo DS. It is used to communicate with other people that have a DS and are about 30 to 100 feet away from you(it depends on things that can int... Read Full Review
Pictochat is a fun way to talk to friends wirelessly. If you are trying to keep a secret from someone who doesn't have a DS, you can just use pictochat to tell the person. My friends and I use it at sleepovers, when we a... Read Full Review