Pictochat is a fun way to talk to friends wirelessly. If you are trying to keep a secret from someone who doesn't have a DS, you can just use pictochat to tell the person. My friends and I use it at sleepovers, when we aren't supposed to talk and we are supposed to be sleeping, it is useful because nobody can hear you. Pictochat lets up to 16 people chat wirelessly in one chat room. If you have a lot friends and you are always talking, get pictochat and everyone will be able to see what everyone is trying to say. You can write anything you want, taunting someone, giving them encouragement, or doing anything else, pictochat is an awesome feature, and it comes free with a Nintendo DS of DS Lite.
Pictochat is a type of wireless Insant measenger that is biult into the nintendo DS. It is used to communicate with other people that have a DS and are about 30 to 100 feet away from you(it depends on things that can int... Read Full Review
If you bought DS you'd notice that Pictochat is included. Pictochat is a form of instant messeging via DS. But you must be within a short range of your friends. There is no Wi-Fi or voice chat with it so it is like a wa... Read Full Review