Well what more do u want? its does everything it is sopose to do. Maby if it had some smily face like things or whatnot i could give it a better grafics award. It it had any good sounds then i could give it a good sound award. it does what it does best and its worth it. It is a great part of the ds and will make u use it a lot more. The only real problem is that (unless ur not allowed to) most of the time you can just go up and talk to the person. And the far rang only works if you can see them ( for a 100 feet there cant be walls) and if there are no walls just go talk to them But its fun to talk on. Its great for inclass when ur board and u cant do anything. and having 10 people on it at once is great.
Pictochat is a type of wireless Insant measenger that is biult into the nintendo DS. It is used to communicate with other people that have a DS and are about 30 to 100 feet away from you(it depends on things that can int... Read Full Review
Pictochat is a fun way to talk to friends wirelessly. If you are trying to keep a secret from someone who doesn't have a DS, you can just use pictochat to tell the person. My friends and I use it at sleepovers, when we a... Read Full Review