Pictochat is a program on your DS that allows you to wirelessly send messages, drawn pictures and...um...more messages to anyone else. You can also use this as a notepad. As there are four chatrooms for people to go into and a maximum of sixteen people in each. You use the Nintendo DS keyboard and also a drawing pad. You can also drag the letters in random places. Really this isn't a game because it's a DS feature. Not a game. The use of it can also be animations if you scroll through the picutres really quickly. I don't recommend using this but it is a great way to talk when you aren't allowed to.
Pictochat is a type of wireless Insant measenger that is biult into the nintendo DS. It is used to communicate with other people that have a DS and are about 30 to 100 feet away from you(it depends on things that can int... Read Full Review
Pictochat is a fun way to talk to friends wirelessly. If you are trying to keep a secret from someone who doesn't have a DS, you can just use pictochat to tell the person. My friends and I use it at sleepovers, when we a... Read Full Review