It's free and fun to mess around with but it's really not all that special.

User Rating: 5.3 | PictoChat DS
If you bought DS you'd notice that Pictochat is included. Pictochat is a form of instant messeging via DS. But you must be within a short range of your friends. There is no Wi-Fi or voice chat with it so it is like a watered down version of instant messenging.

Seriously, if you're that close to your friends, why not just talk to them in person?

The graphics, will it's basically just black and white without color. Text is clear, there are some icons, etc. actually a lot of them. There are no backgrounds but you can use your stylus to draw whatever you want. Also, you can not save drawn images or chats with friends.

There is little sound. No music, no music/voice samples or anything. Just like beeps when you send and when you recieve a message. There is really just no sound pretty much.

Well is it worth it?

Yes because it's free and DS are really worth $129.99. It's a nice extra to mess around and draw funny pictures and stuff in. Sometimes fun to have a "Pictochat Day" where you and a pal only talk with Pictochat. You can get plenty of people in your chatrooms too. Fun if lots of people in your class have DS's and your messing around when you should be working.

It's good, bu not all too nessecary.