User Rating: 9.3 | Jerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl GEN
This classic of a game was sponsored by one-time Atlanta Falcon head coach Jerry Glanville, though it was an American Football game set in the Middle Ages. The game's core play mechanic is to play dirty football, killing your opponent if necessary a la Base Wars for the NES. Rocks & Debris are strewn about the field & the character models are somewhere on the graphcial scale between General Chaos & NBA Jam but medieval. Like the Mutant League games, you can decimate your opponent leaving his bones scattered on the field. A fun multiplayer game in the arcade, it survives the Genesis port to mono sound fairly & is a great predecessor to a genre that has been filled with such obscurities as Deathrow on the Xbox. If you have a Genesis & see this for sale for under 15 bones, pick it up. It's a tough find & a good old school gory sports game from the mid 90s.