This is the reason why you should own a WII U.

User Rating: 10 | Pikmin 3 WIIU
Story: The story is pretty simple in this one, the planet of Koppai has exhausted their food supply due too poor planning. All of their Astronauts go too look for more food by searching planet through planet. One team of Astronauts gets lost and land on an unknown planet, all of them are thrown out of the ship, and must find the ship and each other. They find Pikmin to assist them and later find each other. After finding each other they figure out that the planets fruit is edible and can be blended into juice for safe consumption. They would like to tell Koppai but they cannot go because their Ship is lacking the Cosmic key drive (in other words what would appear to start it, but isn't neccesary for that due to the fact that it can fly in the air without it, but quite funny if you think about it). Too find this the three space explorers by the name of Brittany, Alph, and Charlie must seek out Olimar to see if he has it, so they can get back home. I'll be honest at first I was a bit disappointed that you would not play as Olimar, but after playing as these characters awhile I think they are even better then Olimar, each have their own special personality and I honestly just liked them all. The story as a whole is pretty simple, but I found it very interesting and I liked it.

Presentation: The presentation in this game is outstanding, one of the best looking games to date, I mean seriously it looks so good, anyone doubting the Wii U's power can take a good look at this game, it's one of the most beautiful games to date, and doesn't even have a frame rate problem like other really good looking games for the Wii U. The music is also really really good, The presentation is awesome and I would probably go as far as to say one of the best looking games yet, too it just looks fantastic.

Gameplay: This is where Pikmin always shines, I never have a problem with Pikmin when it comes to gameplay because it's always an enjoyable experience and Pikmin 3 is no exception, the gameplay mechanics are better as they should be in sequels and everything has been drawn out so well in this game, you could probably complete this game in up to 10 days if you know what you are doing. The reason why you can do this is because now you can command Brittany, Alph, and Charlie and command them to go in three different paths to get things done faster. The objective of the gameplay in this game is to collect as much fruit as you can and to get the cosmic key drive, so you can get back too Koppai. Their are two new Pikmin species in this one, Rock Pikmin, who are hard like rocks and will break certain things, and flying pikmin, who can fly and take things through water, while it doesn't seem like they do much they are a nice addition to the pikmin team, even though they did get rid of the White Pikmin, and Purple Pikmin in the main adventure,(they can be played in the multiplayer portion of the game,)and while I did really like the purple and white pikmin, to be honest I like the Rock Pikmin and the Flying Pikmin more, and it's nice that they have their own Onion too.

What makes the gameplay so simple in this one is as I mentioned you can split your team up and do various tasks, but you can also use the gamepad to tell them where to go and they will obey it's such a great help and really a great idea for the gamepad. The first time i Picked up the gamepad and played this game I had to be honest the controls were a bit sketchy due to the fact that you aim and move with only one stick and it makes it really hard to aim unless you move the analog stick slowly and it will aim without moving you, sure at first it's a bit tedious, but after you play it awhile it starts to feel comfortable. The boss battles in this one are outstanding, some of the best in the game. First boss is the boss everybody saw at E3 Armoured Mawdad a centipede that is covered in a crystal like substance, you must use rock pikmin to destroy the armor and then attack it's body its a fantastic boss battle that can be quite challenging if you are not careful. Next we have Vehemoth Phosbat, one of the less memorable boss fights but still quite enjoyable, you must light up the area with yellow pikmin to knock him down and then just slam him with pikmin, he's quite challenging and a decent boss battle at that. Sandbelching Meerslug is the next boss battle this is one of the hardest boss battles in the game probably almost as hard as the final boss. What makes this boss battle so hard is tracking his movement it's so hard to know what he's going to do next, if you fall into one of his holes you are going to lose a lot of Pikmin, and you will definitely have to play this one a couple of times cause you are going to lose a lot of Pikmin, this is one of the best boss battles in the game. Next we have Scornet Maestro This boss can be a bit challenging but if you start to learn it's pattern you can beat him, and it shouldn't be too hard, you must focus on his little bees and then when their gone just lay the smack down on him. Quaggled Mireclops, This boss is merciless if you are not careful with your pikmin he will kill every last one of them, but if you do have a strategy against this guy then it shouldn't be too hard.

(Spoiler Alert)

(Spoiler Alert)After Finding Louie once and then for a second time, you will go to the final area where you will find Olimar, alone just sleeping on the ground, as you approach him a weird ball of plasma will cover him, which you must attack, after you do so the plasma will turn into little bits of itself and will be back for more later, you must now go through a huge maze, you need 20 of each Pikmin to help and let me tell you if this is your first time playing this part, this could take up to 4 days just to beat the maze, it's really challenging and I honestly have mixed feelings about it. I like it but it just so stressful, due to the fact that if you make one mistake it will cost you a lot of time and it's just really stressful, but then again it is a great feeling beating, so I like it but I would say that this part isn't for the faint of heart. After you beat this really long maze you must face the hardest boss in the trilogy of Pikmin, Plasm Wraith is the final boss and you better have lots of Pikmin because this guy will kill literally all of your pikmin if you are not careful, and that exactly what happened to me, but I did beat him and he was nearly impossible. After that you will get a bad ending, a good ending or a perfect ending, depending on how much fruit you collected. The endings good their wasn't a whole lot too it but I liked it.

Overall some people feel like this is the worst in the series, even though they still think it's a great game, well for me I think it's the best game in the series I loved both Pikmin 1 and 2 I wouldn't have given them a 10 if I didn't feel like they didn't deserve them, but for some reason I just like this one more then it's counterparts, I loved gathering the fruit, and I loved the boss battles, in this one. I just feel like they got this one so right and I love it.