Too Short, Limited Customization

User Rating: 6.1 | Pimp My Ride PS2
The Game is too short you can only pimp limited vehicles & when your done you can't do new thing or unlock new you will just end up Pimping the rides that you pimped before & you can only pimp limited parts & you can't even show them off just like in NFSU2 like a photo shot opportunity where you can open the hatch & show off your rides insides & when you are pimping a car you have limited time to pimp it up so your always in a hurry. You also have to gather the money to pimp the ride & no excess money when your done you just have to gain another thousand to pimp the other's new whip. & why do they call it pimp city when the other cars aren't pimped the civilian cars! The only thing i liked is the LCD's in the ride but the down side is you can't show them off!!! You can even see the spinners spin properly