It's a pinball game for the Wii that has truly fantastic visuals, history, and thankfully, a wonderful physics engine.
I don't know who invented the first pinball machine, but I presume it was a man who intended to capitalize on the success of the Japanese Pachinko games.
When it came to America, it was angled differently, included bumpers, and kept track of your score. This base lead to some truly fantastic designs and innovations. The success of the arcade just helped the pinball machine and even though the arcade in America is all but extinct, you can still find them in random bars and gas stations around the country.
And now, after a long winded prelude, the review.
Every generation it seems like you can find at least a small handful of pinball games for the current systems. They are rare, but they do appear and kudos for Williams for offering their arcade cabinets as a base for Crave to create this game.
The gripes I have for this game are relatively small but they are there. For the most part the tables are solid, but there are a few of them, (Gorgar, Black Knight) that just aren't all that imaginative or special. This is pretty much my only gripe, but its there.
Load times are almost non-existent and the graphics are spot on. The tables animate, buck, and change with every move you make. I've played most of these tables in real life and I can say that they are just about as close as you can get to the real thing without dropping $3k on the real thing.
The Wii-mote is about as perfect a controller as you could ask for this type of game and it works perfectly. The two bumper buttons are dead on accurate and shaking the controller makes a satisfying tilt action.
In summation, I'd say that this is about as good as it gets for pinball video games. If you have nostalgia for these tables or just want to play some pinball, this is a relatively cheap and fun way to do so.
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