they couldve made this into a huge puzzle franchise like tetris, but i guess they didnt feel like it
theres a leak in the pipe, or something along the lines of that, and uve got to make the leak last as long as possible using many many pipes. if u get enough points, u move on to the next level. it works on a password system, so u can actually finish the game, which is really hard to do. but the best part is: its addictive!
Like every gameboy puzzler, the graphics are meh, which is my way of saying nothing amazing at all.
Meh, like the graphics.
Its a prety long game, and i saw a guy selling it for about 10 bucks! get a copy today if u like puzzle games!
Man, this game is F-U-N, fun!
if u dont have it, then u sir are not worthy of your gameboy