A UNDERRATED gem. (PAL version)
Story: 10/10
Take no second glance- This Game is a narrative, EPIC masterpiece. You will laugh, you will shatter manly tears, you will spend ages figuring out the complexity of it's deeply engrossing EPIC storyline. Believe me, the story is perfect at worst, there is no other competitive alternative for a story this EPIC. Look no further!
The Game's intro tells the story of a heroic band of pirates in search of Blackbeard's Booty.
Drake, the ship's captain, claims that the crew is sailing for months now, and that they all stink like fishguts. And logically, they celebrate by holding a competition over the pirate cup... Or the entire treasure, after a short threat of mutiny. Wait, you mean you say they already found the booty!? Don't worry, a very intriguing plot twist will happen as soon as you start the story, as it will take place two weeks ago on a island filled with deadly sea-serpents and missing features. The plot is both convoluted and compelling, and it sucks you right in with the emotional confrontations of Drake and his buddies.
Why do you never get to play the actual competition, but instead you play a different competition? How did some characters get a tan in two weeks? Why does Drake claim that they have been sailing for months, but it's been two weeks since they dug up the booty on land? Safe to say, in this EPIC tale, it will all be explained (or left at your interpretation).
Characters: 10/10
The character's characteristics and character development are simply polished to EPIC perfection.
Pick Drake for example, his determination and subtle hints at being a pirate will soon be one's favorite. Or will yours be Roger, the long-dead pirate who still is haunted by his awkward speaking issues? Or the oh-so-lovable Wallace, the kind pirate who is well-known as a pirate who likes stuff from the olds? Or perhaps you will favour Mojo the monkey? Choices are hard, and these choices are considerably the only grating part of the game, even moreso with the intense character development they provide throughout the storyline. I can't choose! Ah!
Another noteworthy thing is that this game has a ton of references and humors, like the subtle hint at Evil Dead on the cover. The game is filled with subtle references to other games and pirate-ness, i can guarantee you that. It's EPIC.
Music: 10/10
This Game has EPIC orchestral pirate music, subtly weaving between comedy-styled, adventurous and EPIC whenever needed to ascend the immerse story experience even further. The main title theme sets that true pirate mood like no other pirate game ever did, you just have to listen to it or else you are missing out big-time. I guarantee you, no other game developer will ever dare to approach the very same simulation of the joyous oscillating musical waves transmitted directly to your unworthy ears. Ever.
Graphics: 10/10
Pirates manage to keep up it's streak of perfection in the graphics department without fail. Of course, if you care about graphics it means you are a HOPELESS fanboy, because graphics never make a game.
But as you can see, the environments are very lush and detailed. With the 5 games this game contains, you can select 3 environments(Island, Town, Ship), both immerse and rich in detail. The beautiful roof textures, the ships in the background, the waterfalls on the island... It's simply too beautiful to describe it.
The character models don't disappoint either. They look really smoothly-polished and detailed, especially the noses are really impressive!
Another feature is that you can customize your own pirate! Yes, you can pick 4 different costumes and different equipment for the games, thereby creating your very own original pirate. Isn't that awesome!? Talking about the games...
Gameplay: 10/10
Ah, where a game truly matters.
You see, the Game is split up in 5 very different games, and i will explain them to you.
First, there's EPIC swordfighting. You both have locked blades and will have to duke it out to steal money-gold from your piratey foe. You can preform a quick stab by trusting your Wiimote, horizontal slash to execute a normal attack or a vertical swipe to deal a heavy blow that will have your foes reeling! Alternatively, you can block with the B button, but it works only against fast attacks.
Once you pushed your foe backwards or if you win a carpal-tunnel duel(Occurs when two pirates slash swords at the same time, you both have to rotate the wiimote as fast as you can), he might fall and you can unleash a lethal finisher, to spectacularly end the match with your foe's loot in hand. Simply EPIC.
Second, there's Treasure Hunters. A game where you and a fellow pirate have to gather booty in a time limit gathering treasure(Indicated by icons) in a bomberman-esque(Told you, references!), by smashing your pickaxe into the ground. Of course, this would be too easy if there wasn't a opposing team, who are on your tail to prevent your loot-gathering shenanigans from success. Once both players are knocked out at the same time or the time's up, it's time to switch roles as hunter and hunted. This is a really nerve-wracking game where you have to stay on top of your toes to elude your punishers, but fortunately powerups will help you along the way. Huzzah!
Third, there is Winds of the Wavy Sea. This free-for-all game stars all players in a small lake in their ships, and they have to reach the X to nab their loot and rush back to their docks. However, a single blow from the cannon will steal your foes' treasure, and you will be able to run off with it. This really gets fun when all four players are on the same spot blowing cannons everywhere, only to have one another nab the relocate powerup changing it's location. Whoa, such suspense! Such action!
Fourth, there is Squidball Sabotage. This game is inspired by golf, makes you smash octopuses with clubs to let them pass them trough gates. You can simply smash your way out the fair way, but if decide to play dirty by having your squid touch another... You can ditch him into a cannon, and blast him to wherever you want at full-power! It'll take at least two turns for him to recover to his original position, that'll teach him.
But should the player manage to get trough all the gates, the octopus gets poisoned as a reward. No need to get sad, because the lethal infection will murder others from play by swinging your octopi at your foes. The last player standing will be the winner, giving a very fair position for the second players on how far they progressed trough the gates. Controls on how not to get the infamous maximum powershot 90% of the time are essential to master in this minigame, because remember if you hate this game then you must definitely suck at it.
Last but not least, we have Row Row for your Life. A hectic game where players will once again sail in teams(Don't believe the back cover!), and you both nab treasure on the canals of wherever you are. One player controls the boat by rowing the boat with reverse oar controls, meaning if you row your left oar you will go left. This is a very welcome change, as i continuously got fustrated at those reverse, unrealistic boat controls in other games. Safe to say, Pirates fixed this issue.
The other player will man the canon and fire away at the other ship, stealing their money. If they get too far behind by cannon fire or incompetence, a giant octopus will totally PWN them of their money. Many dangers await you in this very exciting game.
This is not all of the fun, as the immerse story experience will suck you right in.
I'd like to conclude that this Game is definitely awesome, and there should never be a reason to miss out on this game. In fact, you MUST get this Game. You simply MUST. It's a absolute MUST have, so buy it immediately!
(P.S. Please don't.)