One word to describe this game- F-U-N
User Rating: 7.5 | Pirates of the Caribbean Online PC
Pirates of the Caribbean online takes the world of Jack Sparrow with other players. I was immediately addicted to this game. The graphics are really good if you have a computer that can run it. The guilds,friends,and crews are a real pleasure. But the biggest flaw with the game is with the continuously updates that take 5 to 10 minutes long. Another flaw is the basic to full member. I was really mad when the commercial lied. I really expected the game to be 100% free. But the game is only 50% free. The difference between basic and full membership is that basic can't get full xp,do every quest,basic members are given and option of 2 outta 11 boats,and play tortuga hold'em. The going out to sea with your ship was really fun for the first 5 minutes then you start to relize that this is really boreing. But i cannot say that plundering ships and PvP ship battles was not fun cause I had a blast. But the constant average "NOOB" will come 65% of the time and try to jack your kill. Overall i really enjoyed playing this game and I think it is a great family game and it is a pickup if you are a hardcore pirate fan. My overall rating for the following game is-7.5