When your all done with the game you kinda look back on it and say to your self..."I wish i had just rented it"
User Rating: 7 | Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow PS2
when you first jump into the game/ buy it your gonna think that its going to be packed full of action and adventure which is kind of what the creators were shooting for. Me personaly thought it lacked the POTC effect and hiped up adventure as you make your way through Jack sparrows story. I just wished i rented it and didnt buy it. Its actually quite easy through the whole story but some parts were a little tricky. All in all this game was a average or fair game. Nothing special really came out of it but you do get to hear some real voices in the story so thats one plus. So i just say rent and then you make the call dont just go out and buy it first.