Could have been good, but destroyed beyond belief...
The moment that you start the game, the confusion sets in. Designed for console games, the menus are a disaster to navigate. The tried and true method of ENTER meaning that you want to go into option, and ESC getting you back out do not work, instead, you have to have a knowledge of what weird symbols mean, and how they coerrlate to the keyboard. On top of that, as though menu controls are pretty bad, the PC version doesn't have any graphical options at all. So you can't change the resolution, you can't change the detail levels, and you can't change the brightness. Yippee.
Now for the actual game at hand, it brings to the table nothing more than the exceptional character of Jack Sparrow. The sword fighting is incredibly dull, as it usually involves the same combo over, and over, and over, and over again. Switching characters does nothing more than to change the way that the moves look. Frustrating gameplay mechanics include a faulty level up system, the worst interactions to the gaming environment ever seen, and some rediculously stupid AI. Sound like fun?
The graphics are some of the worst I have seen for a long time, with shockingly bad lip synch, large clipping problems (did anybody else notice the sword flying from the characters hand?), the same generic models repeated throughout, and boring drab textures that do nothing to heighten the mood, or make it stand out like the movies.
The one redeeming feature of this worthless piece of trash is Jack Sparrow. It seems as though the entire development time went into creating the legendary hero, and nothing else. He looks like he might fall, he fights like a lunatic, and he sounds drunk. However, sadly, Johnny Depp sounds a little bored during the voice overs, and who can blame him? The script is horribly, so bad in fact, that it's amusing just to watch.
This really is a great game gone incredibly wrong, and after Oblivion, I really thought Bethedsa could come up with a masterpiece. I was obviously wrong. Oh well, back to watching Pirates of the Caribbean