Billed as a Zelda rival, yet is entirely forgetable
My wife got this game and if I remember correctly this game came out during the Pirates of Carribean craze so that may have helped sales a smidge or 10.
You play as a girl, most of it is hack and slash, beating crabs or small mobs of other pirates which is, boring, and easy and also a bit sloppy. There is also a boat combat system which is a good idea, but done poorly and the controls are very sloppy.
In short, the game had promise, and discovering new lands, etc. is pretty fun, but quests are a bit too simply and gameplay much too sloppy for my tastes.
I would imagine that piratse of the caribbean isnt even much worse than this. My wife an I both said thanks but no thanks and didnt finish this incredibly dissapointing title. Finding treasure was too easy and not rewarding on any level.