Very good game, just give it a chance, time collection is not as bad as it seems.
User Rating: 9.5 | PixelJunk Eden PS3
After reading this review, I would have to say the guy reviewing this game must have sucked a$$, the clock that he deemed "suffocating", was only like this the first time playing, not knowing how to play or what to do is only temporary, once you figure out the swing of things, collecting time is easy if you can progress upward, plus once you get good at swinging and you can create combos past 5x you get time awarded to you... Oh and multiplayer is a blast! One of the funnest multiplayer games I've played in a very long time. The ability to make circus jumps by flinging your partner around to collect more pollen is extreemly fun and easy to do but also hard to master. The game has some level of depth, by allowing you to complete a garden multipul times before you fully explorer the whole garden. Reminds me of mario 64, how it kept reusing the levels but changing the objective. I believe that while multiplayer it is easier to collect time, it's also much easier to get shot back to the botten of the garden, but once you get familiar with the levels it's pretty easy to get back to where you were. Still a excellent game for 10$!!!!