Defend the hut!!

User Rating: 8.5 | PixelJunk Monsters Encore PS3
Ok I have never played a pixel junk game before but i do like RTS games. You are this little turtle like creature that can turn trees into any number of defense systems cannon aero anti air so on. The game is highly addictive and fun. I find myself contuinuoslyu perplexed by some of the difficulty in the upper stages of the game you really have to try with some of them. The controlles are really easy to pick up and the stages are quick. I found with some of threm it is just trail and error. I highly recommend this game espeshially for the cost on the PSN. I can not wait for the next pixeljunk game i think it was called pixeljunk eden and it sounds really good i will picxk it up too. The graphics on it look even better than this game and they were top notch. So go out and suport the PSn