There are 49 other reviews on this site that say the same thing, but I loved this game SO MUCH that I am just writing a mini-review here that says 1) Almost a decade later, there has not been an RPG made with a story that is BETTER than what is found in Planescape: Torment
2) This is a thinking person's game - don't get it for the combat, get it for the discovery and role-playing aspects
3) If you like cRPG you probably already have this, but if you are new to gaming then by all means, buy this game!!
Let me start this review by dishing out some undeniable facts 1) I don't assign 9.5s often 2) I hate reading (generally) 3. I avoid almost all games that look dated 4) I usually enjoy having a superficial-pretty ma... Read Full Review
The gaming industry moves pretty fast when it comes to graphics and technology. Sadly, the same thing cannot be said about gameplay or story. Yet there are a few exceptions; some games manage to become a bit more then ju... Read Full Review